December Newsletter 2017
Dear Members,
It’s that time of year when we look back at the year and the trials and tribulations it has brought. Some will look back at their promises to lose weight, while others will look back at their fitness goals and wonder what went wrong again. Regrettably, some of us will also decide that it’s fruitless to try and do anything about it during the upcoming holidays, and resolve to put it off until the New Year. I want to challenge you to take control now and to set the groundwork to meet your wellness goals in 2018.
There are several things you can do to ensure you’ll exceed your short and long term wellness goals. Start by writing down your fitness goals. You are more likely to stick with a program if you have set specific goals. Start small and build. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes when you are starting, and every two weeks increase the duration 10 to 15%. This is especially important during the holiday season when time is limited. Diversify your workout routine. It is important to incorporate strength, flexibility and cardiovascular training into your workout routine. Variety will help prevent injuries, increase motivation and produce better results. Try working out with a friend or family member. You’ll hold each other accountable and help motivate each other. Finally, don’t overdo it! Trying to do too much to start could lead to injuries and will likely lead to burnout. Start small and slowly increase the duration and intensity!
As we wrap up 2017 I would like to thank all of you that have taken the time to complete the Medallia MXM survey that is randomly being emailed to members. To date, over 400 members have completed the survey and have helped us gain further insight into our business. You have helped us celebrate successful accomplishments such as high staff friendliness ratings, and given us suggestions on what we can improve upon such as cleanliness. Based on your feedback we have also made a number of changes including a more lenient guest policy, adding water fitness classes, bringing back hand towels, restructuring our in-house leagues, later court reservation start time, and soon we will be resurfacing the pool deck based on member concerns about the rough surface. These surveys are very impactful. Please continue to fill them out and we will continue to listen.
Finally I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your support through the years. We realize that there are many options for your fitness and recreation needs, and are grateful that you have chosen Westlake Athletic Club. It is our sincere hope that we can help you live a happier and healthier lifestyle.
We wish you a Happy and Healthy 2018!
John Sutcliffe
General Manager
Member Appreciation Party
We had a great turn out for our Member Appreciation Party on Sunday, December 3rd, with close to 300 members and their guests joining us for this fun event. Both members and staff alike seemed to have a terrific time! We also enjoyed meeting many of your family members and hope they enjoyed the party as much as we did. For those of you who missed it, we posted pictures on our Facebook page.
We want to thank you again for your patience during our improvements this year, and we really hope you take advantage the outdoor fitness area and enjoy the new social areas. Our plan is for this to be just the beginning of many more social events to come!
Member of the Month Hally Jolna
65 Years Young and Loving It!
By Anna Griffin
Westlake Athletic Club member, Hally Jolna, is “happy to be getting old at 65 years young,” which is one of the first things she tells me as we chat on the phone. Having not met her in person at this point, I have no idea whom I am speaking to, but am immediately intrigued. Her energy is alive, positive and infectious, leaving me wanting to know more about her perception on life, in particular aging.
Hally is extremely knowledgeable on health and physicality, working in the medical industry. With a background in western medicine, she found herself moving into functional medicine 11 years ago, going to work for Dr. George Byrnes, Chiropractor, in Woodland Hills. “Integrative medicine was all new to me,” she says, but gave her a broader understanding on the philosophy of healing beyond traditional, western care, particularly the power of prevention versus cure. Running the office of Byrnes Family Chiropractic Wellness Center, Hally has always seen the benefits of being active and healthy, now advising their patients on how to eat, think and move when not in the doctor’s office.
She is a great advocate of training, having started at the age of 40, and extremely proud and grateful for her good health. “I’m proud of my age, and that I am happy, healthy, and take no medicine,” she says.
“I had always been an active person from childhood. I never focused or even thought about what food (fuel) I was putting in my body. Then I hit 40, physically started to slow down, and decided working out was the ticket. I then looked at food. I thought I was eating well, until I started working at Byrnes Family Chiropractic. That’s when I began to understand that each person’s body is unique and requires not only healthy foods, but also healthy function to utilize those foods to maximum benefit. I totally changed how I ate. I honed how I supplied my body with nutrients. I also recognized the detrimental effects of stress on our bodies and started to focus on thinking right (being mindful, positive and meditative). The results have helped my family and I get rid of the achy joints, extra pounds, and fatigue that I thought were just a part of the aging process. I realized we could age the way we would like to, without medications.”
Hally and her husband, Kerry, joined WAC a year and a half ago, “My husband loves tennis and hasn’t played in a while because of some back issues. He decided he was ready to begin again, and the club is so close to us (literally down the road). I decided to give up my membership at Equinox and join Westlake Athletic Club, after they upgraded to the Technogym equipment in the Fitness Center.”
A supporter of working out with a personal trainer, Hally trains with Peter Loncto twice a week.
“There is no comparison to working out with a trainer. I wanted to try a few sessions with Peter to decide if he would be “tough” enough for me! I have always trained pretty hard. I don’t spend my time in the gym, to not get the workout or results I want!”
“I love how Peter changes the workouts and does a “functional “ type of workout. We use equipment, but we also use my own body to build up my stability, strength, and cardio. He makes it fun for me, sometimes making me feel like a kid again; jumping rope, jumping up and down on forms, using weighted balls, etc.”
There’s a reason Peter calls her the Beast!!!
In his own words, “Hally has been training with me since April this year, and exemplifies the wellness philosophy that we strive for here at Westlake Athletic Club. Her active and health-oriented lifestyle position her to handle anything I challenge her with . . . And boy do I challenge her!”
Peter continues, “When we started, Hally informed me that she had worked with other trainers and, judging by her form and fitness level, I knew that she was capable of (and enjoyed) being pushed to work to her fullest capacity. A trainer’s dream! She never backs down and like me, insists on having fun while elevating her functional strength with the ultimate goal of living a healthy and active life. Hally is the best, and I am honored to be a part of her fitness journey!”
Hally says, “Kerry and I look forward to meeting more people to play with at WAC. The club appears to have a well-rounded mix of people who remain active, engaged and motivated in their lives, and the convenient location and friendly folks create a real neighborhood feeling. We enjoy it very much.”
She concludes, “In the New Year and beyond, my goals are to remain healthy and strong both physically and mentally, and enjoy my life and activities. When not in the gym, I’ll be playing tennis, riding bikes, roller blading, and skiing!”
Thank you for being a valued member of our club, Hally. We are all excited by your passion for great health and activity, and inspired by your commitment to wellness. We look forward to seeing you in the Fitness Center or on the tennis courts in 2018!
Tennis Stuff
Match Finder
Steve Hamburger and Bill Ries are looking for USTA or self rated 3.5 players for doubles and mixed doubles. The group plays 8:30 am several mornings a week. Steve and Bill maintain an e-mail listing and help coordinate the matches. If interested please e-mail Steve at [email protected].
Howard Perlstein is also looking for 3.5 players to play at 8:30 am several mornings a week. You can contact him at [email protected].
Video clip from Chris Dudeck, Co-Director at WAC
Video clip from Calle Hansen, Co-Director at WAC
Tennis News
By Christa Nonnemaker
Adult Tennis
On November 30th, WAC hosted a camp for adult players from 9 am to 2 pm. Each player received a goody bag with items to maintain their energy throughout the day (drinks and energy bars) and for use after the camp (balls and grip tape). Camp started off with an introduction by Calle Hansen followed by a brief full body warm-up by trainer Peter Loncto. Players had to move across the court to stretch various leg muscles and then there were a few arm warm-ups too. The camp program then moved into drills and games until lunch. A lovely lunch of salads and sandwiches was served, and after lunch, the players participated in a mini-tournament.
Adult and Junior Tennis
Family Doubles Tournament
On November 24th, WAC hosted a Family Doubles Tournament with an Adult and Junior Division. It was great to see family members participating who normally aren’t at WAC due to being away at college, work, or other reasons. But since it was the day after Thanksgiving, lots of family members were available to participate. There were all sorts of doubles pairings including husbands/wives, parents/children, grandparents/grandchildren, aunts/nephews, and siblings. There were four rounds of play and the winners went into play-offs based on game count. And, it was great to work off the food from the day before!
McKinney Family
Jack and Melissa Heath
Daniel Family
Jim Hannafin and grandson Kieran Taylor
Heintz Family and Family Friend
Akkermans and Connors
Junior Tennis
Junior League
The Winter Junior League program started on December 2nd and runs for eight weeks. Junior League is for beginner through Intermediate level players, to gain both skills and match play experience. There is also Junior League Development, which offers drills and practice only for beginners who use low-compression balls. It runs on Saturdays with 7u Junior League Development from 12-1 pm, 10u Junior League Development from 1-3 PM and Junior League from 1-3 PM. Contact Brooke Gabbey, Junior League Coordinator, at [email protected] with questions.
Junior Team Tennis
The Fall Junior Team Tennis season is wrapping up! Junior Team Tennis (JTT) is similar to USTA Adult leagues in that teams play other local clubs. JTT has four lines of singles and two lines of doubles for every match. WAC had five JTT teams this past Fall season with a 10u, 12u, two 14us and an 18u. Thank you to all the captains who gave of their time and expertise to help players have a great team experience: Douglas Johnson (10u), Gina Reese (12u), Brooke Gabbey (14u), Steve Felsen (14u), Christa Nonnemaker (Boys 18u). There will be a Spring 2018 JTT that will start in early March with registration beginning in late January. There will be 10u, 12u, 14 and 18u (Girls only) divisions available. Contact Christa Nonnemaker, JTT Coordinator, at [email protected] with questions.
WAC 18u Boys Team (Christa Nonnemaker, captain)
WAC 14u Team (Brooke Gabbey, captain)
Winter Tennis Camp – contact the Front Desk at 818.889.6164 or visit the WAC website for registration information and pricing:
Fitness Stuff
Video Fitness Tip from Holly Butler – Work Your Waistline
Video Fitness Tip from Katie Whittaker – Double Cable Row Series
Training Tip
The Best Dam Club . . . Just Got Better!
By Peter Loncto
When I signed on as a personal trainer a couple of years ago, I was originally attracted by the wonderful members (of course), the super management (naturally), and most of all, the newly renovated Fitness Center. Having been a member at or employee of a number of big box gyms, I was most impressed by the Club’s choice of Technogym Kinesis equipment. The fact that our GM, John, had chosen to provide you with this best-in-class industry leader’s machinery with its emphasis on functional strength spoke volumes to me about the commitment of Westlake Athletic Club to being the best.
Well, the best just got better! With the opening of our outdoor training area, WAC has taken another giant leap forward. Once again, a great deal of thought was given to insuring that our members have the best workout experience possible. The selection of TRX Suspension Training and Matrix cardio gear lends itself to a first rate individual or group exercise opportunity. The chance to get your game on outside...breathing in the fresh air and surrounded by the beautiful views of the local mountains, elevates the session to a new level!
Starting in January (just in time to kick off those New Years’ wellness resolutions), we will begin offering more group exercise classes, at times more convenient to everyone’s schedule, so that you can start 2018 on the right track.
Look for the new schedules in the coming weeks and in the meantime, please feel free to ask me about the new equipment at anytime. I am always happy to help you on your journey to being the best possible you!
Happy Holidays Everyone! Looking forward to seeing you in our outdoor training studio soon!
Video Tri Corner from Logan Franks - Why We Do Speed Work
Wellness Tip
Two Winter Superfood Smoothies to Beat the Holiday Bulge!
By Anna Griffin
Winter’s bounty is blend-able with these nutritious and delicious smoothies that incorporate all the taste and festivity of the season, without the calorific overload. No matter the temperature outside, smoothies are always a great way to get your vitamins, minerals, and produce in liquid form, and being lucky enough to live in Southern California with its moderate winter temperatures, a delicious, lighter, vitamin and goodness-laden meal option, can satisfy post-workout, nutritional cravings and satiate comfort, without the carb-laden alternatives favored by colder climates.
When you think of winter, you’re probably not thinking of superfoods, or even thinking much of produce at all, for that matter. However, winter isn’t lacking in produce or superfoods — the question is what are you supposed to do with them? Smoothies are a quick and easy way to enjoy a healthy meal on the go, but during the winter, they might be the last thing we want to drink as we sit wrapped up in scarves and sweaters on chilly mornings, even here in mild Westlake Village.
Winter’s superfoods are unsung heroes that need their time in the spotlight, and smoothies are a great way to effortlessly incorporate them into your diet. Replace a meal without giving up any seasonality, festivity or cheer, with flavors such as cranberries and clementine’s, persimmons or beets.
While everyone else is sipping eggnog and hot chocolate, noshing on holiday cookies, and indulging in their fifth candy cane, you can be getting back to winter’s bounty, sipping on delicious smoothies that won’t derail your diet, and can help counteract the holiday bulge.
Get inspired, get creative, and have your blender ready; the colder months don’t mean you have to take a break from your produce-centric diet, instead allowing you to explore seasonal fruits and vegetables, and healthy, delicious tastes. Here are two amazing recipes that can replace one of your daily meals, and highlight winter’s best superfoods. ‘Tis the season to be sipping . . . Superfood smoothies!
Carrot Super Smoothie
This clean-tasting recipe loaded is in beta-carotene, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and potassium, but isn’t just for the rabbits!
• 1 cup raw carrots
• 1 cup orange juice
• 1 banana (frozen and quartered)
• ½ pear (diced)
• 1 tablespoon chia seeds
• 1 cup coconut water
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• ½ nutmeg
Combine ingredients in blender (add liquids first)
Blend until smooth
Cranberry Clementine Smoothie
High in immune system boosting vitamin C, this recipe features not one but two winter superfoods: the cranberry and the clementine, for a delicious, sweet yet tart taste.
• ¾ cups clementine juice
• 1 cup of fresh cranberries
• 1 cup almond milk
• 2 bananas, frozen and quartered
• 2 teaspoons of agave nectar
Combine ingredients in blender (add liquids first)
Blend until smooth
Healthy Travel
Resolution Retreats: Resolve Yourself to New, Athletic Adventures in ‘18
By Anna Griffin
We are approaching the holidays and with it, many festive gatherings laden with delicious treats and libations. With the greatest will in the world, even the most health-conscious among us might be slightly straying from our well-intentioned diet and fitness goals. Now therefore is a great time to think and plan ahead, ensuring we stay on track into the New Year and beyond.
A New Year health kick doesn't have to mean detox, denial and downright misery, as a vacation or exotic trip abroad doesn’t have to mean a leisurely break from fitness. As for those dreaded resolutions, they do not have to mean guilt-laden and ultimately unsustainable, self-imposed rules for doing and being better. Why not instead harness the power of resolving yourself to make goals and keep them, by ensuring they are fun, exhilarating, while also good for you?
A time of new beginnings, January is the perfect month of the year for a relaxing break, with a focus on health and wellness for good measure. These top travel destinations will help you keep your resolutions, waistline and fitness goals on track throughout 2018, while opening your body and soul to new and adventurous fitness experiences in new landscapes.
Break the Limits Trekking and Body Boarding in Costa Rica
Costa Rica's breadth of biodiversity and its tropical climate make it the ideal place for a January getaway. While the beaches on its Caribbean coast offer plenty of opportunities to kick back, the surf on the Pacific side is ideal for those looking to get active.
Bodyboard Holidays offers trips to remote Santa Teresa, getting beginners and advanced body boarders out into exciting breaks. For those desperate for that Caribbean vibe but in need of a fitness boost, Discover Adventure runs a 12-day coast-to-coast trekking and rafting trip through rainforest rapids and on to calmer waters. Guests are able to visit to the country’s highest active volcano, coffee plantations, oak forests, and immerse themselves in the lush rainforest abundant with wildlife. A strenuous challenge through wild terrain, they promise an adventurous, rewarding time away from the norm! For those who prefer wheels, a cycle trip is also offered.
Walk Your Way to Health Through Beautiful England
Taking a stroll through the English countryside is a simple way to get in shape and enjoy some of the most beautiful and green scenery in Europe.
Walk the Royal Thames Path by taking the National Trust Trail from Gloucestershire to London. Meander through the countryside exploring lovely villages and towns. The River Thames passes through locks and under magnificent bridges, to the enchanting city of Oxford, the charming town of Henley-On-Thames, and concluding at the Thames Barrier in London. Visit the Botanical Gardens at Kew, historic and vibrant Royal Windsor with its Great Park and Long Walk, or Hampton Court and its stunning Gardens along the way.
Load Off Your Back operates five, seven and 11-day self-guided hikes, picking up and dropping off luggage in local guest houses, so visitors can take in some of England's finest areas of outstanding natural beauty unencumbered.
Kick Yourself Fit with Muay Thai in Thailand
For those looking to get shredded in the New Year, no sport can match Muay Thai. Known as "the art of eight limbs," it's extremely popular throughout Thailand, with training gyms aplenty for fitness-focused visitors to learn from the locals. Higher end hotels and resorts now incorporate the sport into their fitness programs, with the Four Seasons Koh Samui offering its own specially designed ring and personal trainer, with sea views to ease any aches and pains.
Bangkok-bound tourists can head to The Siam hotel for a four-night Muay Thai retreat to train with a former pro.
Go Wild on a Mountain Bike Safari in Tanzania
Feeling adventurous? Explore Tanzania on a Tanzania Cycling Safari. Imagine incredible lush green passes, wildlife next to your wheels, and local culture on the journey. Tanzania Expeditions offers customized mountain biking holidays for riders, by riders, providing guided day trips as well as incredible multi-day tours.
Catering primarily towards bicycle lovers who want a unique country tour with delicious food, breathtaking views, skilled guides and inspiring rides, Tanzania Expeditions strive for excellence and pride themselves on extensive, local biking knowledge is extensive. They promise to not only take you on the best bike tours you could imagine, but more importantly, show you the authentic lifestyle in fabulous Tanzania.
Find Your Zen with Yoga and Meditation in the Himalayas
The land of Gods and good karma, Rishikesh is considered to be one of the holiest cities in the world. Located in the foothills of the Mountain Himalayas in northern India, it is known as the 'Gateway’ to the Garhwal Himalayas, and is one of the spiritual stops on Shikhar Travels’ six-day/seven-night Yoga Retreat Tour.
Experiencing multiple forms of yoga practice, peaceful immersion in nature with walks and bird watching, mediation, visits to Temples and other cultural sightseeing, vegetarian meals and lessons in yogic diet, guests feed body, mind and soul in one of the most stunning destinations in the world. For those seeking a less spiritual and more challenging adventure, Shikhar also offers mountaineering trips into the Himalayas.
Ski Mountaineer to Greatness in the Italian Alps
Annual skiing trips are a great way to get fit after weeks of festive overindulgence. The first runs of the season down a mountainside of pure powder are exhilarating, but the usual trail of lifts and simple runs can get repetitive. For those looking to take it up a notch, ski mountaineering is a lung-buster sure to do so. Clambering up hill with skis and poles then braving off-piste routes isn't for the fainthearted or inexperienced, but is a fitness booster like no other. Much Better Adventures offers a weekend of mountaineering in Italy's Monterosa backcountry, as well as a day of free ride skiing and guided trips down hidden routes.
The perfect long weekend for avid skiers seeking diverse ski terrain and the comfort of quality accommodation and food after a long day, this trip is designed for experienced skiers comfortable making fast, tight turns on red and black runs.
Get TechnoGym Fit in Miami
Named as the eighth best resort in Florida by Travel & Leisure’s 2016 World’s Best Awards, the iconic Carillon Miami Beach sits on a coveted 750-foot stretch of private beach in North Miami – an exclusive haven for those who want a sense of relaxation, minus the frenzy of the South Beach strip.
Integrating spa, fitness, health, and beauty, their world-class spa and fitness facility is a 70,000 square foot playground surrounded by stunning floor-to-ceiling ocean views, offering top-of-the-line machines, including more high-tech Technogym ARTIS cardiovascular equipment than any other destination in Miami Beach. With a group fitness program consisting of over 200 group classes per week, their extensive schedule includes cycling, Zumba, Pilates, boxing, circuit training, multiple yoga practices, ballet, beach boot camp and water fitness.
Resort to Tennis and Golf In Hawaii
Mauna Kea Beach Hotel’s Seaside Tennis Club has been named one of the Top 10 tennis resorts in the world, and its hallmark 11 courts sit at the ocean’s edge. The Seaside Tennis Club is one of the largest and most highly sought-after tennis experiences in Hawaii and provides all the services available at the best private luxury tennis clubs. Enjoy daily clinics, round robin tourneys and private and group lessons, offered by Director of Tennis Craig Pautler, Head Tennis Pro Wayne Barnes and Tennis Pros Hector Mendoza and Dan Klug. After your game, relax in the shade on the club’s comfortable lanai overlooking the sea with a cold beverage in hand.
Among the world-class activities offered, guests can also partake in Big Island golf, multiple ocean sports and activities including snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, boogie boarding, kayaking, deep-sea fishing, seasonal whale watching, canoe rides and stand-up paddle boarding. Or relax and exhale on a Cosmic Glow Paddle, a memorable evening on the ocean in an illuminated, outrigger canoe while taking in a beautiful sunset, Mauna Kea twilight, and the majestic Manta Rays of Kauna'oa Bay.
Taste Life with a Hike and Bike Tour Through Scenic France
Backroads, who call themselves “the world’s #1 active travel company,” offer travellers a different way to see the planet. On foot while on one of their hiking or walking trips, or by bike on one of their many cycling tours, Backroads give their guests the opportunity to journey through fascinating locations under their own steam and without any filters, to truly enjoy where they find themselves.
Imagine biking through Provence, feeling the sun on your face, scents of lavender fields on the warm breeze, endless olive groves, vineyards, and brilliant azure skies. This biking trip offers an easygoing and unforgettable immersion in quintessential Provence. Evenings are spent in a superb trio of hotels offering a range of experiences, from country sophistication to Relais & Châteaux elegance and Michelin-starred decadence.
Meet your Trainers
Leticia Willingham
Willingham is a certified yoga instructor based in Westlake Village,
California. She has led her life down a path of healthy eating and
working out for more than twenty years, discovering yoga while trying to
help deal with severe anxiety. The results of practicing yoga were
dramatic . . . providing the ability to calm the mind, find inner peace,
and strengthen the body. Leticia’s 500 hour teaching certification is
through YogaWorks in Westlake Village, California; mentored by Lainie
Leticia believes that everyone can benefit by practicing
yoga. She focuses on providing each student, whether they have just been
introduced to yoga or have been practicing for years, with insight,
encouragement and the opportunity to help guide them on a positive
journey and achieve their own personal goals. “I know how amazing the
benefits of yoga can be because I have experienced them first hand. Yoga
truly changed my life, and I want to provide the opportunity for others
to affect positive change in their lives as well.”
Patti Markowitz
Markowitz has been helping people stay healthy & fit for over 25
years as a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Aerobics Instructor.
Her tenure at the Westlake Athletic Club (WAC) began back in 1993 where
she has trained hundreds of members who continue to reap the benefits of
a healthy lifestyle augmented by hours spent building strong bone,
muscle, and piece of mind through exercise & resistance-training.
Patti believes that when you change bodies you change lives, and that
being a Personal Trainer is about much more that just knowing the
exercise or routine, it’s about living the lifestyle, and being able to
motivate and inspire others to move toward healthier and happier lives.
one of WAC’s leading Certified Personal Trainers, Patti specializes in
designing customized programs in training for strength, weight loss, and
functional fitness. Her attitude and presentation makes workouts fun
and motivating; never routine, dull or boring. As your trainer, she will
take your health & wellness personally, working alongside you to
help achieve ALL of your fitness goals.
An accomplished marathon
runner, avid swimmer, and someone you will most likely bump into in a
Yoga class at the Club, Patti’s attention to her own fitness reflects
her commitment to well-being. With your determination and her dedication
you can make anything happen.
For an opportunity to train with Patti, you can call her directly at (805) 208-9578, or inquire at the front desk at WAC.
[email protected]
Katie Whittaker
specializes in aquatic exercise, yoga, and meditation, as well as in
strength, toning and cardiovascular training. She also offers nutrition
counseling and weight management. Creator of "Aqua Yoga," she uses water
and land exercise to compassionately assist clients both pre and post
surgery. Katie is certified in fitness instruction by the National
Arthritis Association, the Yoga Alliance, the Aquatic Exercise
Association, the American Council on Exercise, and the National
Association of Sports Medicine. Katie has guided hundreds of clients to
better health for more than 10 years.
Peter Loncto
Loncto is a longtime resident of Westlake Village and the newest member
of our training staff. As a National Association of Sports Medicine
Certified Personal Trainer and TRX Suspension Training instructor, he
blends his passion and enthusiasm for fitness with his knowledge and
experience to motivate and challenge his clients to feel their best.
"When I first met with John Sutcliffe a year ago and he shared his vision of a first rate fitness center, I was excited to have an opportunity to work with my neighbors in our fantastic community. After learning of his commitment to Technogym, I was all in! The Technogym philosophy of Wellness, their unique, elegant Kinesis One stations with an emphasis on adaptive, functional movement, and their unequaled interactive capability place them far out in front of any other traditional gym equipment. Some of you may have seen me in the Fitness Center over the last month, working out and becoming familiar with the literally thousands of movements possible with the Technogym system. Every day I am more impressed with Technogym's versatility and applicability to all levels of fitness. Whether your goal is a better backstroke, more tee-to-green distance, weight loss and toning, or just feeling your best, Technogym offers dozens of programs and the ability to customize a wellness program just for you.
I look forward to meeting all of you in the coming months and welcome the chance to assist you in identifying your Wellness goals, and working with you to achieve them. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. It would be an honor to be part of your Wellness journey.
Holly Butler
by growing up in Boulder, CO (aka the fittest city in America), Holly
Butler has always lead an active lifestyle. As an adult, she was drawn
to non-impact fitness, starting with the athleticism of Vinyasa yoga.
While practicing yoga she discovered and fell in love with Barre classes
and Body Sculpting classes using resistance training. Her 3 daughters
were all in school and Holly thought it was the right time to get her
certification and go back to work, doing something she loved. Holly
spends her “off” time coordinating many school drop-offs, pick-ups and
dance carpools for her daughters, being involved in charity work for
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, volunteering school, and playing tennis
at WAC with her husband. We are pleased that Holly will be teaching the
Body Sculpting class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:30pm.
Tamara Goulden
to swim at a very young age, Tamara fell in love with being in the
water, playing water polo and swimming competitively with her local
Parks & Rec throughout middle school, and competing on the school
swim team in high school. Playing on the women’s UCSB water polo team in
1988, Tamara competed in the State Championships, and by teaching swim
instruction and aqua fitness, was able to pay for graduate school at
LMU, earning her Masters in counseling psychology in 1995. Tamara
established her company, Premiere Aquatics, in the early ‘90's in which
she uses water as a therapeutic milieu for swim instruction, exercise,
personal training, phobia counseling, and injury rehabilitation. She
finds teaching water fitness at WAC a fun and rewarding way to engage
with members and see them benefit by this unique type of workout, as she
herself is happiest when in the water.
Group Class Schedule
Click here for a pdf of the fitness schedule
Masters Swim
Logan Franks
WAC is pleased to have Logan Franks coach our Masters swim program.
Franks served seven years in the Marine Corps infantry. During his
enlistment, he raced on the Marine Corps Triathlon team. He was 1 of 6
Marines selected to represent the All Marine Triathlon Team at Armed
Forces Triathlon Championships in 2011. Logan also competed as a
professional triathlete with a primary focus on long course triathlon.
In 2010 he was ranked 52nd in the world for Ironman and he posted the
fasted American run split of the day at Ironman world championships,
crossing the finish line in 9:02.
Logan was also collegiate runner for the University of Delhi, located in NY. Though he was a fast runner, his success in triathlon was being hindered by his lack of swim knowledge and experience. Knowing this, Logan went to a number of swim clinics and trained under the guidance of some of the best triathlon and swim coaches in the United States. Logan soon became a front pack swimmer, often coming out of the water in the top six of the pro division for Ironman and 70.3 races.
2013, Logan shifted his focus
to coaching and put his athletic career on hold. Logan currently owns a
military focused triathlon team. He coaches prior service members and
active duty military. He also coaches paratriathletes and other wounded
vets hoping to compete in the Paralympics. Logan is a Level 2 Masters
Swim Coach, and is very approachable, always willing to help anyone on
Kevin Lane, Swim Instructor & Coach
Kevin Lane is the Assistant Swim Coach of California Lutheran University Men's and Women's Swim Team. He is also an adjunct instructor at CLU, teaching swimming, and a Masters Swim Coach at Westlake Athletic Club (Certified USMS Level 2).
In addition to coaching, Kevin teaches swimming to all ages and levels here at the WAC. You may have seen him working with students in the pool.
He teaches private one on one lessons as well as groups of two students. His lessons run from 30 mins to an hour, and are for beginners, intermediate, all the way to the competitive student. Kevin has a reputation as a warm and caring instructor who is very intuitive when comes to each individual's needs. With years of experience, he understands how to get the best out of each student at every lesson.
Kevin started swimming and competing at the age of seven. Growing up in Connecticut, he continued to swim through his teen years on the club level, setting many Connecticut State records. He represented Connecticut Swimming as an all-star team member, and traveled and competed against other all-star teams. Moving on to Southern Connecticut State University, a top ten NCAA Division II School, he competed on the national level and set school records in the in the 200 fly and in relays. In his senior year he was elected captain of his team.
After college, Kevin continued to train, compete and coach, eventually winning the Masters One Mile Open Rough Water National Championship for his age group. For over 20 years Kevin has been teaching swimming, coaching on the college, masters and novice level. He has just completed his fifth year of college coaching at CLU.
Kevin brings to the Westlake Athletic Club an enthusiastic love of swimming, with over 20 years of experience as a swim instructor, swim coach and competitor. Kevin looks forward to helping others advance in the water, as they learn how wonderful and positive the swimming experience is. As spring and summer approaches, Kevin encourages all members and families to get out and start a regular exercise program that includes swimming.
Masters Swim Schedule
Mon & Wed 5:30-6:30am Logan
Mon & Wed 12-1 Kevin
Tues & Thur 6-7pm David
Sat 7:15-8:30am Logan